Wednesday, October 28, 2009


They came here a couple of weeks ago, planted themselves in the family room, and have been controlling the boys’ schedule and that flipping television ever since.

I have tried to be a kind and gracious hostess. I indulge them their habits and compulsions and I put up with their childlike behavior. I pay as much attention to them as possible, but it hasn’t been easy.

I understand the boys love their guests, and won’t see them for a while after they leave, so I try to be patient and just enjoy their visit. No doubt, these guys are a lot of fun to have around, but they’re also a bit immature. And while they could certainly become great role models, they have done nothing to encourage the boys to keep up with their chores and responsibilities while they take up space, so it is always me, the rotten sport, who is continually, repeatedly dragging the boys away - to set the table, finish that math homework, take their dirty plates to the kitchen, practice the piano, pick up their dirty clothes from the bathroom floor, brush their teeth, pack up their bags, and the list goes on - no matter who’s visiting our home.

Everyone here is having a blast. But Julian can’t ever bear to bid them ‘goodnight,’ even as we drag him off to bed mid-stream, and Max, who never really much cared before, has suddenly discovered his new best friends, and has lately blown off his 'suggested' nightly reading. Meanwhile, my husband David has bonded completely with these guys, and has often been up with them into the wee hours. I do eventually get to sit down and relax with them myself towards the end of the evening, but I can hardly keep my eyes open and am ready to crash not long after that.

Last night we had a break. Our guests took off for a couple of days, leaving us to our own devices. I have no idea where they went. It was great - the boys were able to focus on their homework, their chores, their lessons and have some chill time. I finally got to do a little channel surfing, catching some bits and pieces of this and that. It didn't even matter what - it was the freedom to click which I desired more than anything.

Our guests really haven’t contributed much in the way of wine, dessert, flowers or even light picking-up around the house. But I have to admit, these guys have filled this home with excitement, inspiration, hope, and the simple pleasure of having something to look forward to. And the kids have been clear that, if they finish their homework, they can definitely hang out in the evening. And if, in the off chance our guests behave like losers, they immediately make it up to us soon after.

This is not far from over. I think I can do this, because I really am fond of these guys. I’ll just ease up on my expectations, get on with the day-to-day, and try to spend a little more time enjoying these guests, because they’re almost out of here. The good news is that the Yankees have won the pennant. So as soon as they've won the World Series and run Philadelphia out of town, I’m going to politely ask the Boys of Summer to take a hike and not show their smug, handsome faces around here again until they are done with Spring Training.